
Top 4 Communication Mistakes In The Workplace

Communication Is What Builds Great Leaders

Communication Mistakes In The Workplace

Life is already harder for women in the workplace without these communication mistakes in the workplace. Women represent more than half the population with a lot of them having college degrees and a part of the professional workforce.

However, this career pipeline keeps on getting shorter and shorter at the top. What I mean is that as you move up the ladder you see more and more men dominating the leadership industry with places at the top when compared to women.

So, aren’t women equally (if not more) talented? Yes, they are. Aren’t women working as hard as men to get a place at the top? They sure as hell are. Then what’s stopping them?

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that abuse, discrimination, harassment, and many other factors are at play that stops women from reaching where they are supposed to be in their careers.

There are many reasons for this leadership gap which start with women being undervalued and end with their gender being the main cause of their struggles.

But there is a small gap that has been created by years of conditioning to women. And that gap is caused by errors in communication.

In short, it has been noted that women are at times unable to communicate their way to the top because they are made to feel apologetic and insufficient at every step of the way.

How as a woman can you reclaim your professional identity and integrity that you must own by just avoiding some communication mistakes that are your biggest hindrance.

Avoid These Communication Mistakes

Take Credit When It Is Your Work

If I had a penny for every time women did not take the credit they deserve, I would have been a millionaire by now.

Women are told to be modest and shy when given the credit. They are told not to snatch what’s their due right because that won’t be so ladylike.

The fact is that these centuries-worth stereotypes have made women feel less of themselves and more of what people think of them or those who are around them.

Whenever a man claims the credit for the work a woman has done at the workplace, you would see them flinching but not saying anything and congratulating just like everyone else is.

You won’t see them speaking out loud that it is their work that has to be appreciated.

Whenever you compliment a man at the workplace he says, ‘Thanks’. But whenever you compliment a woman, she would give a shy smile or say it wasn’t a big deal. Girl, toot your horn!

Take credit because you deserve it and choose your words wisely because what you say has a long-term impact on how people perceive you. Don’t fall for this Communication mistake in the workplace.

Negotiate Every Step Of The Way

This is another among communication mistakes in the workplace. Women are told to take whatever they are presented with because they could have gotten less, or this could have been given to someone else.

They believe that if they get a certain position or a particular amount for salary, that should be enough.

Women are socialized to be grateful and sophisticated because apparently asking for your due right is none of these.

Most of the time, women end up with the salary offer they get or the position they are given because otherwise is something not accepted.

It is among the biggest communication mistakes you can make. Communicate your way across every position you want and the salary you are expecting.

Never be hesitant to negotiate what you want. Men never are. Use the power of your words wisely and be firm on your stance or what you expect and deserve. There should be no other way.

Asking Or Not Asking For It

I have seen so many women trying to compromise for not staying late by feeling guilty and doing more than they should. For men, it is common to mingle together and go out after work for a drink and still talk about important things.

The next day when there is a meeting or something, it is assumed that everyone knows what they are doing and everything important has been decided. This is yet another one of the communication mistakes.

More often than not, women in senior positions also have to struggle with the same. Feeling the unwarranted guilt of supposedly not being equally attentive or passionate about work, women have to just go with the flow.

The thing is you need to ask for your right here. Tell men in your team that it is not okay for them to go ahead and make decisions in your absence at unofficial hours. Sitting around waiting to be heard and rewarded is something that’s never going to be possible.

Women must do a better job advocating for themselves because unfortunately there aren’t a lot of people doing that. Ask for what you think is right and don’t ask for the things that are unjust and unfair. Do anything but don’t be quiet.

Watering Down Your Power

Thanks.. I was wondering.. Just what I think.. Maybe.. Perhaps.. These are just some of the words that are staples in the word diet of women. These words strap the authority and water down the power women hold over other people.

They soften the critique, give the responsibility of deciding to the other person, and make you sound weak, less authoritative, and vulnerable in your opinion.

This is among the communication mistakes of a weak leader. These words and phrases lessen the importance of what you do and your recognition in the workplace. They leave the misconception that you are not well-aware, or you do not know what you are doing.

Women undermine themselves with words. Avoid qualifiers and suggestive words that zap your authority. Do not use phrases that leave even an iota of doubt or show any weakness.

Fearless communication is going to empower you without watering down your tone or message. It will make you confident even if it isn’t something you are feeling from the inside.

Words and how you use them are some of the most powerful things and hold great power. Women are always told to be less of this or that just so they can get the basics of what they deserve.

But it is about time we learn to stop dimming our light and shine through. It is about time we absolutely feel shameless and fearless about being equally competitive as men in our workplaces and prove that gender cannot be compared with skills or talent.

These are only few of the communication mistakes at workplace. the list is long.

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Written by kainaat Maqbool

Content & digital strategist by profession, self-love coach & mental health advocate by heart - Kainaat has experience of more than 8 years. She is a founder of the social media & content agency 'The Digital Wizards' which works with female-led businesses from all over the world. When she isn't writing or making strategies, she teaches people to do the same.