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Become a Women’s rights activist today. Women around the world have been fighting for their rights for a long time. The quest to become a part of a diverse, equitable, and inclusive society is the foremost important thing for decades. At the forefront of this war is women who have been on the go to get their true rights.
Every woman is fighting a war but there are only a few who we see on media today. This does not mean that the other women do not care, or they are not raising their voice, it just means that they are in the background.
However, if we want women to be on top of everything and get their voices heard, it is important to be more prominent. This prominence comes from an active engagement in demanding rights and activism. This prominence comes from becoming a Women’s Rights Activist.
If you are a woman who has been contemplating becoming Women’s Rights Activist and not only raise her voice but gets it heard, you are at the right place. These are some practical tips. Act on them and change the world for women, one woman’s voice at a time by becoming Women’s Rights Activist.
Be The Women’s Rights Activist- Speak Today, Tomorrow, and Every day!
It is as simple as that. Activism doesn’t begin on Friday and ends on Saturdays. If you want to be committed to the cause you have to start right now and stick to it till the end.
Start by raising your voice. The first change has to begin from home. Talk to your friends and family about women’s rights and teach them about the areas they are lacking and the things they need to do to help the cause.
Become a part of an advocacy organization or volunteer for women-based NGOs and speak up for their needs.
When you raise your voice for problems women are facing, you break the barriers by expressing what’s setting equality back. Moreover, spreading awareness leads to more people knowing about the issue and interacting with it.
Start small and start with the issue that you have experienced or have hit near home to you. When you begin with a topic closer to your heart, it will help you get genuine empathy and support in the long run. This is 1st step in becoming Women’s Rights Activist.
Believe, Support & Be With Other Women!
To be a prominent Women’s Rights Activist you must consider that Fight for one woman is a fight for every woman! You are not doing this for yourself, you are doing it for every woman.
If you want to be a genuine Women’s Rights Activist, you have to support other women, listen to them, share their stories, and raise your voice against what’s happening with them. Above all, just being with women whose condition is below you can make a huge difference.
Become determined to improve women’s lives and start by interacting with those who are going through problems. Hear them out. See how you can help them from a place of privilege or support that you might have, or you might help get for this situation.
To achieve gender equality and to overcome the hazardous gender gap, women have to stand together and support each other. Start by playing your role in it. Believe me, when I say, your one step will motivate hundreds of other women to take more steps with you.
Know Your Rights & Stand For them!
If you follow the above two points, you are well on your way to becoming Women’s Rights Activist. But even more important is to become mindful of what you do. By now, you will have amassed a few people who would be interested in hearing you out and helping you in cheering for the cause you are raising your voice against.
It is time to educate yourself. Depending on which part of the world you are in and what you do, know your right completely.
Dissect the laws and every part of the social and cultural norms of the society to see where women are being oppressed and cut off from their due rights.
When you are well-aware of the politics and legalization of the issues that surround women, you will be better equipped to talk about them.
Better yet, discuss them with an expert first and ask them what areas you can talk about that can be changed to improve women.
Talking to a professional will help put context on the oppression women have to face and the rights they already have so you can understand the significance of what you need to do.
Educate Other Women Around You!
When you know a lot about the plight of women, the legal and cultural aspects to it, it is significant to impart that to other women too.
More often than not, women around the world, aren’t privileged to be aware of their rights and they spend their lives without knowing what could or could not have happened for them.
Step in for gender equality and empower women around you by telling them their rights. Educate them to begin that change from home by standing firm on their ground.
Involve with local schools and welfare houses to teach the young generation about their rights so they do not have to go through what your or the past generation had to go through.
Empower the fresh batch of upcoming generations so the cycle of decades and centuries’ worth of oppression and wrongdoing can break.
It is important women know their rights, stop violence, and fight against it if they suffer at any point. Start that change!
Become A Part Of The Conversation
There have been several powerful movements around the globe including #MeToo #TimesUp #ISpeakNow that made rounds on social media.
The ripple effect was that they might have started in one city or country, but they spread across the world and women continued to share their experiences for years.
Start a conversation in your community as well. Become the first one to raise your voice by sharing your experiences so others can feel empowered to do the same too.
Talk about bad encounters, sexual harassment, and the infringement of rights you have gone through. Share your story, so others can be encouraged to share theirs too.
Call spades a spade and name & shame people who are involved in catcalling, harassing, and oppressing women.
The goal shouldn’t be to punish a few individuals but to call out for a society-wide massive change in attitude. The main aim is to change the system that turns a blind eye towards women’s problems.
Your voice can be one small voice but when it is combined with hundreds and thousands it can cause a roar. Do not underestimate yourself.
These were five simple ways through which an ordinary woman like you and me can become a Women’s Rights Activist and bring a real change in the society that we all wish to see.