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Ever heard a whisper that “Oh she is too young to wear makeup”? Playing with Barbies, doing makeup, and enjoying dress-up games isn’t an unusual thing for children. All these pretend games involve the stereotypes created in a society where girls are confined to dolls and makeup and guys are limited to sports and cars only.
This subconscious conditioning creates desires that stick in the long run. One of these desires includes doing makeup and staying groomed. These young girls become infatuated with applying and wearing makeup while hiding from mum being the most common thing you can expect your girl child to do.
But, as the children grow, a question arises in most of the parents. How young is Too Young To Wear Makeup?
How soon is too soon for them to be applying all the cosmetic products? When is the right time for them to own these products?
Everyone’s answer differs as the parenting style does too. So, how can you gauge if it is okay for your child to wear makeup or not?
I can’t give you the right answer, but together we can explore factors that surround it so you can make a conscious decision.
How Young Is Too Young To Wear Makeup?
A study conducted in the US suggested that over half of 12-to 14-year-olds use eyebrow pencils, mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Similarly, around 80 percent of 9-to 11-year-olds engage in some sort of cosmetics and beauty products. Now, these percentages might be restricted to the US only, but I surmise the figures everywhere else won’t be so far from these.
It might surprise a lot of parents, but psychologists say that there is no magic age at which you should or should not allow your child to wear makeup. They argue that this differs from culture to culture and tradition to tradition.
In most countries, the reason why parents hesitate a lot when they found a young child doing makeup is that it is associated with sex appeal.
Parents fear that this might be causing their child to discover territories too bold for their kid’s young age.
Hence, the factors that surround parental conditioning, culture, socioeconomic status, and societal position are what can be the main determinants in deciding what age is Too Young To Wear Makeup
There is no definite age that can be prescribed. Your culture will influence what age is Too Young To Wear Makeup
Another psychological approach a lot of professionals subscribe to is to never say no. A lot of experts believe that at one point your kid will grow up and start wearing makeup and you would have no say in that.
So, it is important to allow them to embrace this love for cosmetics and let them wear makeup even if it is just at home. It will help them develop confidence and a healthy relationship with makeup the way it should be.
What Does My Culture Say?
Too Young To Wear Makeup in your culture? Having talked about the psychological perspective, it is very important to look into the culture you belong to.
I am someone who never bows down to mainstream cultural expectations, but as a parent with a growing child, it is important to see the atmosphere you are raising your kid in.
Is it okay for your daughter to be spotted wearing makeup? How will it be perceived? Are you comfortable with how it is perceived?
You should be asking these questions before you allow her to put that blob of eyeliner all over her eyes.
You must also be thinking about the effect wearing makeup has on your daughter. The consequences of it can be enlightening as well.
Some cultures like India alongside Arab countries already have smearing kohl all over the eyes as a part of the culture.
This is not considered wrong. This is just one example of making you understand how you can approach the situation of this permission to wear makeup for your child on a cultural level.
One of the easiest and the most significant ways to decide this scenario is to also look into the school they are going to. More often than not, schools have policies surrounding wearing or not wearing makeup. by reading school policies you can decide when is Too Young To Wear Makeup.
It can also be an indicator of helping you decide because you will be able to look into your child’s peers and see if they have adopted such habits or not. This will also help you think of whether it is Too Young To Wear Makeup.
But, Why Is Makeup Triggering On Young Girls?
It is integral that you also understand the dimension where makeup is triggering people and making them double think whether they should allow their child to wear it or not.
As already mentioned above, in certain cultures, wearing makeup means women sexually putting themselves out there and presenting themselves to the world.
Even though there would be no other intention than to look good but the misogynistic society we live in will conceive it as something different.
Again, a simple answer to this is to have a realistic view of how your child will be received in the community and among their peers after they start wearing makeup.
If you think they will be vulnerable to bullying, harassment, or any other kind of abuse, you already should know that it might be Too Young To Wear Makeup, and what the right step would be.
Is Makeup Safe For Skin?
Another study has shown a co relation with dry eyes and mascara usage.
Now, this is the real question that should also be pondered over at the end of this article. Young children have sensitive skin.
It isn’t just sensitive, but it is fresh, soft, and untouched by the pollution and other bacteria that fester once puberty hits.
Most of the makeup products aren’t safe for the skin. The ones that are safe to use, I am sure you won’t be giving those high-end, premium, and expensive brands to your kid to play with.
So, the question arises, do you really want your child to damage her young skin and set a ground for it to be affected even more in years to come?
I know you would say no. Long-term effects of not using the right makeup, not removing it, and following a proper routine can be damaging for the skin.
Hence, when you decide that when is Too Young To Wear Makeup, then keep in mind that you must not risk your child’s skin. This does not mean that you should say no point-blank. It only means that you should help them follow proper skincare procedures, so they do not destroy their skin at a young age.
There is no wrong or right in deciding what age is Too Young To Wear Makeup to wear makeup. The answer to how young is too young lies in how you want to raise your children and the society you belong to. You are a wise mother and I am sure you are capable of making just the right decision for your child.