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5 Steps Face Cleansing Routine With Natural Ingredients

Stay Calm and Take Care Of Your Skin

5 Steps Face Cleansing Routine With Natural Ingredients

Face Cleansing Routine is the most essential foundation of your skincare routine. It is basically where taking care of your skin starts. Before you apply any medication for your acne, serums for those marks, moisturize to keep your skin healthy, and eye cream to get rid of the wrinkles and fine lines, you need to have a clean slate to start with.

You won’t be able to use any product and reap the best results out of it till your skin is cleansed from all the dirt, impurities, and any other harmful elements that might be clogging the pores and damaging it.

Face Cleansing Routine

Although this is considered the most basic step, most people get the cleansing part of your face wrong. It isn’t just about taking one well-known product that suits your skin type, slathering it on your face, and then washing it off.

It has more to do with following a certain procedure to keep your skin clean and free from all the harmful elements before you apply any other thing.

There are some super easy steps that you must inculcate in your routine and follow religiously to develop a cleansing and proper face cleanup routine. They are as follows:

STEP 1: Wash your face thoroughly

Yeah, it doesn’t take a genius to figure this part out. Pun intended. The first step towards achieving the desired skin status and developing a Face Cleansing Routine is to start by washing your face thoroughly. Use warm water and by warm I don’t mean hot.

Do not use scathing hot water. Just use it warm enough to be tolerable by the skin. No matter what skin type you have, just use a very mild face wash or a baby soap for this step because you will be doing a lot more and you don’t need any strong facial wash to be incorporated in this step.

STEP 2: Scrub the dead skin away

Exfoliation and scrubbing are very important parts of your Face Cleansing Routine. If you haven’t been doing them, you are doing skincare wrong. You can’t just look in the mirror and see dead skin, or dirt is hidden deep inside the skin pores. They aren’t visible to the naked eye and hence won’t come off easily.

Just washing your face does not purify the clogged pores, get rid of blackheads, and remove the dead cells. Scrubbing till your skin is exfoliated properly is what puts an end to them. There are many scrubs available in the market depending on the skin type you have but you can make some at home too. We will take about this later but sugar and honey make the easiest and the best scrub.

STEP 3: Tone your skin to soothe and calm it

This is always been my favorite step in my Face Cleansing Routine. Toning doesn’t only instantly calm the skin, but it refreshes it from the inside out. Toning is also significant because it repairs any damage scrubbing has caused to the skin and covers up the breakages before any dirt or germs can enter.

A toner should be applied right away because the skin can be prone to redness and itchiness after scrubbing and toning help with that.

STEP 4: Apply a face mask or pack of your choice

A face pack or a face mask helps in closing the pores that you cleaned through scrubbing and toning. With cleaned pores, the next step is to close them so the dirt and grime cannot enter again producing excess oil.

Hence, they help get rid of ineffective oils. A moisturizing face pack can make your skin soft, supple, and can improve the tone. They also help get rid of acne marks and blemishes. For those who have oily to combination skin, a Multani mitti or fuller’s earth mask is the best.

For those with dry to normal skin, a paste of sandalwood powder in rose water makes the best pack. Apply a pack on your face and rinse it with cool water so the pores can be closed.

STEP 5: Give your skin hydration with a moisturizer

This is the final step in your Face Cleansing Routine that can help you get the dream skin of your choice. Depending on your skin type, you can again use some natural products to moisturize your face. Aloe Vera gel makes the best moisturizer especially for those who have dry skin. You can mix some Vitamin-E capsules for those with acne-prone and oily skin.

Moreover, those with dry skin should go for oil-based creams as a moisturizer while those whose skin tends to get oily should apply water or gel-based creams.

Natural Ingredients For Face Cleansing Routine

While you might already know about the store-bought product high-end and drugstore products that you should be using, only rarely do people know the natural ingredients and recipes that make the best and the cheapest part of your face cleansing routine. Let’s get on to some of the items that you can make at home for an organic and natural face cleansing routine:

Cleansing Masks

Cleansing masks are integral for Face Cleansing Routine. if you have dry skin, take two spoons of fresh yogurt, and mix them with one spoon of ground almonds. Make a thick paste till both of them have settled together. Apply on your face, leave for five minutes, and just follow the routine as mentioned above.

For those with oily skin, mix lemon juice and honey in equal parts. Apply and leave it for about five minutes as well. Wipe it off gently with soft tissue and rinse your face with cold water.


Scrubs are the easiest to make at home. For dry skin, take one spoon of honey and mix it with three spoons of raw oats. Now just massage this scrub on your face in a circular motion gently and for five minutes. Rinse it with normal tap water and follow the procedure as mentioned above.

For those with oily skin, take equal parts lemon juice and brown sugar. Mix them well to form a smooth scrub and massage it gently on the face in circular motions. Wash it with lukewarm water.


For dry skin Face Cleansing Routine, some fresh aloe Vera gel with a few drops of rose water makes the best toner. It can be applied overnight or for a long time. There is no compulsion to wash it. For those with oily skin, apple cider vinegar makes the best toner when mixed with equal parts of water.

Make a cotton ball and dab it on the skin gently, avoiding any contact with the eye. This can also be left without any need to wash.

Face Mask

For dry skin, add a spoon of yogurt, half spoon of honey, and a few drops of rosewater in one smoothly mashed banana. It will form a thick paste that can be applied evenly all over the face. Leave it for 15 minutes, wet your hands, and moisten the pack gently.

Start peeling it off your face. There is no need to scrub or wipe it ruthlessly. Wash it off with cold water till removed completely. Not being gentle can irritate the skin so being gentle is the keyword here.

Finally, for oily skin, you can just buy Multani mitti or fuller’s earth from any market. You can also buy it in form of a rock and make a powder at home. Mix it with some rose water till the paste is formed and apply it evenly on your face and neck. Wash with cold water when dry.

You should also apply a moisturizer as guided above after this face mask. You can use coconut oil as a substitute too.

These are natural ingredients for you Face Cleansing Routine.

Ultimate 5 Step Combination Skin Care Routine


Written by kainaat Maqbool

Content & digital strategist by profession, self-love coach & mental health advocate by heart - Kainaat has experience of more than 8 years. She is a founder of the social media & content agency 'The Digital Wizards' which works with female-led businesses from all over the world. When she isn't writing or making strategies, she teaches people to do the same.


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